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Applied research on organizations repeatedly demonstrates that most of the changes at most organizations are not realized. This very sobering understanding indicates that immediately after an intervention program, the participants are influenced by the honeymoon effect, meaning they are full of inspiration, desire, and motivation to work toward change. However, they lack a concrete platform to transform this sentiment into practice. As a result, a tremendous amount of positive, proactive organizational energy and excellent, practicable ideas simply go to waste.

The Maytiv program for organizational assimilation is built on the approach that in order to forge stable, sustainable change, we must fulfill the scheduling and needs of the organization as well as continue the basic program by providing focused support to key figures in the organization. This facilitates anchoring organizational rituals to realize the program that do not depend solely on motivation and willpower, but instead create a strong platform for realizing the program. We aspire to create infrastructure to transform positive psychology into second nature in selected parts of the organizational DNA.

As part of this Maytiv program, a number of key sources in the organization, together with some participants in the program, will form a steering committee that will meet with a Maytiv consultant after the program in order to refine and prioritize the approaches and practices that the organization considers meaningful and wishes to integrate into its managerial routines. Maytiv consultants will guide the steering committee through the process, from the initial brainstorming stage to the stage of establishing heterogenous teams in the organization that will be responsible for implementation.